Our body consist of a lot of cell. in every kilogram of human body weight, there are about 1 triliun cell; a new baby haves around 3 triliuns cell. someone that have body weight 60 kilograms (132 pounds) consist of more or less 60 triliuns cell. amount is referred as has surprised and that growing minor is fact that, with some penngecualians, every cell referred as contain gene in common.
Human body consist of some parts that have function and appearance different. hair, nail, and skin likely can be not have equality. nevertheless, all of them are compiled by cells which is on elementary its have structure and function in common. deeper next, gene determines function from cells referred as even also same.
I will try depict with explanation hit cellular structure. in the middle of-middle every cell existed a nucleus that arranged in layers by membrane. gene located in in nucleus. if we trace our existence at its provenance, we find that we begin from one cell body
One-celled that already in fertilization are divided become two, two become four, four become eight, eight become sixteen, and so on. in a moment, in course of this cells are referred start and terspesialisasi some, become hand, other become foot/feet, and other become brain or liver. they continue split it-self in mother foetus for nine month till finally when birth, the baby haves around 3 triliuns cell.
Cell bisection still going on, nevertheless main subject that we perceiving is its gene. Cell Nucleus/core contains deoxyribonucleic acid (DNA), that is substance that we conceive of gene. DNA consist of two circuits in form of spiral, that become place surface terdapatnya molecules that whose name is can be shortened become four letters: A, T, C, and G. this is the our genetic code, and trusted contain all the information requireds to form life. Nucleus (cell nucleus/core) from one human cell unit have three billion this letterses.
Fact to information that kept in every one same gene unit precisely with kept in every cell in our body that amount to more than six tenth that triliuns burden any cell that taken away from any part haves potency to be used creates a other human. but, there is a big question emerges. if every cell in human body have the information required for living, why cells in our nail becomes just nail or cells in our hair only as the hair ? in theoretic, doesn't ought to might possibly a hair cell suddenly decides wish change job during one day and become heart cell or heart cell decide become nail cell ? because every cell have a set of complete data, basically [it is true] there is this condition potency to happen.
Nevertheless, basically, this condition never happens. currently believe that our gene of nail cells has been programmed become "nail mode", temporary all other possibility already to extinguishe. we still bingun and not understand with gene working mechanism, nevertheless at one time in course of cell bisection from egg cell that dibuahi, our cells form of a kind of range from to agreement their yag determines division of labor. afterwards, every cell even also play the game this
Human body consist of some parts that have function and appearance different. hair, nail, and skin likely can be not have equality. nevertheless, all of them are compiled by cells which is on elementary its have structure and function in common. deeper next, gene determines function from cells referred as even also same.
I will try depict with explanation hit cellular structure. in the middle of-middle every cell existed a nucleus that arranged in layers by membrane. gene located in in nucleus. if we trace our existence at its provenance, we find that we begin from one cell body
One-celled that already in fertilization are divided become two, two become four, four become eight, eight become sixteen, and so on. in a moment, in course of this cells are referred start and terspesialisasi some, become hand, other become foot/feet, and other become brain or liver. they continue split it-self in mother foetus for nine month till finally when birth, the baby haves around 3 triliuns cell.
Cell bisection still going on, nevertheless main subject that we perceiving is its gene. Cell Nucleus/core contains deoxyribonucleic acid (DNA), that is substance that we conceive of gene. DNA consist of two circuits in form of spiral, that become place surface terdapatnya molecules that whose name is can be shortened become four letters: A, T, C, and G. this is the our genetic code, and trusted contain all the information requireds to form life. Nucleus (cell nucleus/core) from one human cell unit have three billion this letterses.
Fact to information that kept in every one same gene unit precisely with kept in every cell in our body that amount to more than six tenth that triliuns burden any cell that taken away from any part haves potency to be used creates a other human. but, there is a big question emerges. if every cell in human body have the information required for living, why cells in our nail becomes just nail or cells in our hair only as the hair ? in theoretic, doesn't ought to might possibly a hair cell suddenly decides wish change job during one day and become heart cell or heart cell decide become nail cell ? because every cell have a set of complete data, basically [it is true] there is this condition potency to happen.
Nevertheless, basically, this condition never happens. currently believe that our gene of nail cells has been programmed become "nail mode", temporary all other possibility already to extinguishe. we still bingun and not understand with gene working mechanism, nevertheless at one time in course of cell bisection from egg cell that dibuahi, our cells form of a kind of range from to agreement their yag determines division of labor. afterwards, every cell even also play the game this
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