"DoS" is attack type to a computer or server in internet network by finish source (resource) owned by by computer referred till computer referred can not run its function truly until indirectly prevent other user for getting the access service from computer that attacked referred.
In an attack Denial of Service, the attacker will try to prevent access a user to system or network by using some ways, namely as follows:
* Inundated network traffic with many data until network traffic incoming from user that enlisted becoming not accessible into network system. This Technique is conceived of "traffic flooding".
* Inundate network with many request to a network service that disedakan by a host until incoming request from user enlisted can not be served by service referred. This Technique is conceived of "request flooding".
* Bother communication between a its tuan rumah (host) and client that enlisted by using much ways, entered by alter information of system configuraton or even physical mutilation to component and server.
this tool and source code can become reference in making of DOS tool.
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